How to Write your First Blog

Anam f.
5 min readJan 5, 2021

For most of us, the word “BLOG” sounds boring and dull. The blog was originated from “Weblog,” written by an Individual in a conversational style.

In the beginning, everybody has a fear of not knowing how and where to start. Fear of failure is the biggest hurdle that will stop you from moving forward.

In this blog, I want to tell you how to start and where to start blogging; that will help you overcome all the fears and help you take the initiative. If I can do this, everybody can, so LETS DIVE IN.

Before answering your question, WHERE TO START? Let's talk about

Why should you start blogging?

There are many reasons why people start blogging. Some people write to educate people, to give advice, and help people. Some people use blogging to earn by their skill of writing content.

It is significantly essential to figure out the reason why should you start blogging? And it is crucial to understand why you want to write and publish. Do you want to inspire people with your unique, motivational content or write something to give your readers info about a specific topic or product?

Blogging is a platform for SELF DEVELOPMENT, and it will help you in learning new things.

Benefits of Blogging

Blogging is not only a source of earning nowadays, but it is beneficial for your self-development and personality.

IT Helps in Refining your Thoughts: It will help you to learn and discover more. As a result, it will polish your skill of writing. It is like practicing your skills in a pragmatic field.

Documenting your Ideas & Knowledge: It is a platform to write your display your thoughts and demonstrate your ideas and knowledge.

Blog Branding: You can also work professionally by working with the brand and get traffic on your website for some people. It is like an investment.

Connecting with the Global Audience: Blogging is a kind of networking that will connect you to the whole world and give you exposure to communicate with an audience worldwide.

The first step is significant; you need to take action and start. It will take time to be a successful blogger.

How To Start a Blog With No Experience

Blogging is a way to enter into a digital world, where you can share your passion with your audience.

Your blog is where you can share the experiences you had in your life and what you have learned throughout your life.

Everything has a purpose, and everything that happens in your life based being on purpose; however, our goal is to discover what that is and how to share it with your readers.

If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time to write, simple as that. STEPHEN KING

So What's Your Passion?

A “motive” is something that keeps you moving, keeps you awake and struggling with everything. Your passion will keep you energized and keep you focusing up every day when everything is falling apart.

If you have a passion, define your love for the mission statement. This mission statement is your blog’s impression that will attract your readers.

Make a list of your interest and discover the spot of an intersection. Describe your tone that should be witty, inspirational, and motivational. Write the mission statement that effectively extracts your passion.

Discover Your Audience

Engaging your audience so that they wait patiently every day for your writings makes you a successful blogger.

Your reader or I would say TRIBE is a shareholder in your passion and struggle. Without your audience, it's impossible to have a long-term successful online presence in the form of blogging. Your audience shares your interest, so they want to communicate, share, and write a review on your blog.

Some Tips To Engage Your Audience:

There should be a mutual understanding between you and your audience.

Communicate with your audience on social platforms.

Build connections in your niche.

Know your audience and Write for them.

Your Blog is More Than Just An Online Piece Of Content:

Make it memorable for you and your readers by making it catchy and attractive.

Choose an attractive Domain name.

Hire someone to make a unique and attractive LOGO.

Use images to make it attractive for your audience.


Now you know what your passion is and how to engage your audience. It's time to GO LIVE!!!

There are many web-hosting sites like Wordpress, Wix, and Godaddy. Just a few clicks, and your blog site is published.

But according to some famous bloggers, This is a big headache when it comes to migration of your site in the future, so you have to make sure that you make the right choice.

Nowadays, it became so easy. We have plenty of options available like BLUEHOST, Bluehost made it affordable and accessible to everyone.

A Blogging Platform

After making a hosting account, the next step will be choosing the right blogging platform. There are platforms like BLOGGER, MEDIUM, TUMBLER, etc. You have to research and evaluate who your reader is and how to find him and engage him.

Create Compelling Content

What is engaging content?

Here’s a working definition of Attraction content: Attraction content is freely available on the web for social sharing and search engines to index. Your goal for this content is for people to consume it and spread it. In other words, this is the content that drives traffic — ideally, a lot of traffic. By Copyblogger


Now you know all the tips, tricks, and tactics to start a blog. What are you waiting for? Overcome your fears and Make it happen.

