How To Water Your SEO Garden

What is search engine optimization (SEO)? Many thousands of articles explain it in ways that make you feel like you’ve just read the script for an episode of The Big Bang Theory.

Anam f.
6 min readMar 30, 2021
My Canva Creation

SEO’s just so confusing, isn’t it? I mean, you want to get into the top results for your keywords, but everyone says do this same stuff, and you need a Ph.D. in rocket science to know what the heck any of that means.

A search engine optimization (SEO) campaign requires a lot of time, energy, and money spent on it if you want to achieve your desired results. Like any other plants, you have to water them enough for you to reap their fruits.

Whoa!!! SEO Garden? Yeah, I know you are wondering WHY?? Well, hold your wonders, and let me explain how your SEO campaign has a similarity with gardening.

Also, I want to break away from the technical jargon for a moment and go over SEO in more laymen's terms that will help you better understand the ‘SEO Sweet Spot.’

✦Plant Successful Seo Campaign

How do you plan a garden? Well, you dig a trench, fill it with fertile soil and then plant the seeds of your dream. Do the same thing for your SEO campaign, and watch your success grow!

To help you achieve that, you need to stop thinking of gardening as planting seeds here and there but rather as a nutrition source for your site.

The similarities between SEO and gardening fascinate me. Let’s take a look at the six examples one at a time.

✦Crop Selection — Well Planned Strategy

A garden’s elegance stems in part from how well it was designed. The typical home garden necessitates that the homeowner begins with a schedule of botanic objectives.

At least, this necessitates arranging the varieties of plants, trees, and shrubs to be planted and how they will be set out for visual impact.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) also necessitates a strategy. To determine the type of content required on your website, you must conduct a persona review.

Another must is keyword analysis to decide which keywords can be used in the website text. These two components are the bare minimum for a good SEO strategy.

✦ Land Preparation — Strong Core

It is essential to provide a nourished ground to have the best conditions for the development of young roots, and you must prepare the soil after planting.

Suppose a homeowner has decided on traditional architecture. He must prepare THE SOIL before planting can begin. This is done to ensure that the soil has enough nutrients to feed the new plants' roots as they migrate from their temporary containers to their permanent home in the garden soil.

Similarly, a website must have a “good infrastructure” that allows search engines to accurately crawl and index the content to be scored positively and retrieved as people search using specific keywords.

The URL naming structure, URL navigation structure, correct metadata usage, and practical coding that is simple for search engines to crawl are all-important SEO design concerns. Other technological problems may also affect SEO, but these are the most important.

✦Seed Selection/Sowing — Optimisation

Per tree involves a different method of planting. Without tailoring the solution, a garden will quickly become a failure and devoid of hope.

The garden has been designed, the soil has been prepared, and the crops, trees, and shrubs have been purchased. It’s finally time to start working on your lawn. When you plant your yard, prepare to get your fingernails dirty.

The act of maximizing content, page by page, is the SEO counterpart. Each page must be based on a single subject, similar to how a plant is unique. Each piece of content is optimized around a single keyword.

Consider it this way: When a search engine crawls your website, you want to make it easy for it to understand each page's basic theme so that it can be viewed in a search for someone interested in that subject.

I couldn’t get the image of a bunch of SEO practitioners planting a field of flowers and vegetables out of my head. That, and “Supertramp” was playing — just set up your SEO campaign using this open-source software, and ‘Watch it grow — watch it grow!’ Let’s make sure we do that one together.

✦Manuring — Quantity and Quality

A happy garden is well fed. Even though fertilizer isn’t essential, it is necessary to protect plants, promote growth, and enhance overall beauty. In terms of SEO, this will be the continuing addition of related and entertaining material to a website.

A seasoned gardener recognizes the significance of fertilizer in providing nutrients to plants. These nutrients help to foster growth, botanic elegance, and disease resistance.

In SEO, authority is the fertilizer equivalent that gives a website’s content marketing power. Furthermore, authority is acquired by a combination of durability and a large amount of related content that others connect to and post on social media.

The quantity and quality of content on a website and how many users connect to and post it are used by search engines to assess its authority.

Low-quality material is inefficient, analysis indicates that 50 pages are preferable to 20, 500 pages are preferable to 50, and 2000 pages are preferable to 500.

This argument shows how the more interesting content a website has, the more legitimacy it is provided by search engines, resulting in increased search discoverability and inbound traffic to a website.

✦Weeding — Shape & Repair

Gardening, as previously said, is a difficult task. It takes a lot of effort to keep your garden in decent shape. These forming and repair stages are close to the editing and evaluating steps for SEO.

A gardener knows the significance of leaf pruning. Pruning is the method of extracting dead plant matter from a garden to make way for new growth.

Pruning is the SEO equivalent to editing content to represent developments in your market or industry. Search engines will determine the most recent date of material revision as well as the duration of modifications.

Search engines presume that you're not offering an excellent service to your visitors if you don’t upgrade or connect to the web site's content daily. As a result, the website will be given a lower score and will have worse SEO results.

In other terms, for long-term SEO success, adding and upgrading website content is a must.

✦Care — Maintainance

A gardener can never accept that the act of planting is over until the garden has been designed, the soil has been prepared, and the plants have been planted.

A gardener must pay continual care for it to survive in the long run. Yes, the continuous focus is needed.

SEO, too, necessitates continuous focus. A should run a crawl report every quarter to determine any technological problems that need to be resolved.

It’s a good idea to do keyword analysis regularly to hear about new ways your customers look for your goods. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on what kind of content your rivals release.

Most importantly, make a promise to updating the website with new material during the year. Adding content is essential for successful SEO in every sector.

Vertical business solutions, white papers on specific subjects, case reports, instructional materials, e-books, blog posts, videos, and other new material types are all possible.


Take the same care with your SEO as you would with your garden.

How to Water Your Search Engine Optimisation Garden is just a simple piece outlining some basic SEO techniques and tips. Although this article is written for small, local businesses, I feel that it can also be adapted for more public companies.

Watering your blog or website’s search engine optimization (SEO) is just like growing plants. It takes consistent and regular care to see results. If you don’t water them, the plants die.

