Every Day New Challenges are Waiting for You!!

Anam f.
5 min readDec 9, 2020


Life is a series of problems and challenges that everyone has to face throughout their life. No need to worry and no need to be demotivated by these obstacles. In this article, you’ll get to know how you can deal with and get rid of these challenges. Does it feel like an unending struggle? Trust me; these struggles make us more strong and near to our goals.

Being Challenged in Life is Inevitable, But being defeated is Optional — Roger Crawford

Every person has low points in their life. If you face a difficult time in your life, do not think you are alone in facing such difficulties. Look around closely. Everybody is having a hard time, and some people around us are even a source of motivation for how they patiently handle every obstacle in their lives.

There could be three main areas of life in which you or someone you know is facing difficulty and having a hard time dealing with it

1. Relationships or family: Difficulties with a family member, divorce or breakup, or sometimes loneliness.

2. Financial reasons: it could be money matters or losing a job

3. Health issues: some sudden illness or chronic disease

Challenges are always tricky to deal with. That’s why we call it a “challenge.” they are still tough to deal with. their solutions are not comfortable or something obvious.

There is no escape to such a situation. You have to deal with it by considering every problem as a challenge and succeed in certain problematic areas of your life.

1.Positive Mindset:

The first thing in this journey of overcoming an obstacle in your life is how you are looking into something, the perceptions you have for a particular problem. There is a famous saying, “ when there is a will, there is a way,” so use your energies and your inner strength then you can move forward and make your way towards success. Think about others, how people around you deal with situations and how they responded to such problems, and later how they got rid of them.

Try to reduce your negative feelings try to imagine your situation from different perspectives.

2.Analyze or Reassess the Challenge:

Analyze the situation from different angles, and that should be only the “positive” angle. Positivity is the most significant trait; without this, it is much more difficult to move on in your life. On the contrary, negativity is something you should always avoid. It will stop you make you weak and less motivated.

“Be positive and think positive” This should be the only belief in your mind.

Do not think that “why you have to face this situation.” This “why” is not in your hands, and it is outside of your control.

3.Be accountable for your actions:

Be clear; it was not your fault that you are facing difficulties. It is not in your hands. Everything we face in our life is out of our reach. We cant change or manipulate our future.

But your actions are your responsibility, and you are accountable for what you did and what you were thinking in a particular situation, and how you deal with that situation.

Blaming someone else or acting like a victim won’t help you. It is always easy to blame others for your mistakes. You can spend your entire life blaming others, but you waste precious time and energy on something non-conductive. Instead of this, we can divert our energies to something more productive and towards the solutions.

4.Get help from others and Help others:

Nobody deserves to face hardships alone. Through communication, we share our burdens and even can get a solution. Not just for yourself, communication is essential for everybody around you. For instance, if someone around you is facing a hard time suffering from depression, it is our responsibility to ask or check on them. Make them understand the importance of positivity and happiness.

Talk to people around you that can listen and help you in this situation. It will help you look into different perspectives with different solutions, and when this period ends, you can solve similar problems.

5.Make a plan:

We need to take small steps in the right direction. Make decisions very carefully with proper planning because good planning is the key to success.

It is a thinking process; when you think and create a plan, it will help you get desired results and outcomes and act as a source of motivation for your future.

Every person on earth has to face challenges sooner r later. They could be bigger or smaller. While you don’t know about the future, you can still plan for the future. There are many possible ways to deal with challenges. No matter what challenge you are facing, believe and think big with a positive mindset.

Think about the future and think about your purpose in this world. Suppose you feel like you don't have the sense to think about less privileged people. They need your support and motivation. Only some positive words of encouragement can help them to move on.

Just LET GO of your negative thoughts and doubts; this is the first step to a happy and prosperous future ahead.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

