An Online Travel Writing Career-A Profitable Business

Anam f.
5 min readMar 4, 2021


Beginning a career as a travel writer is now much easier than it has ever been. What is the reason for this? Well, because of the Internet. It creates a level of a playing field. With a laptop, a digital camera, strong expressive skills, and a driven work ethic, you can launch an online travel writing company from your kitchen table.

Bid farewell to send questionnaire emails, rejecting magazine slips, stealing the thoughts, images that are not returned, unreasonable deadlines, late weekly or monthly payments, and editors that cannot be satisfied and reached.

You may create a website for the region you currently live in or include specific information on trips you take during the year. YOU get to pick the material, the images to use, the places you visit…and you get to deduct the business expenses.

The only weaknesses you have are your imagination and your approach to hard work.

If You Are Not Allowed To Join Them-Beat Them

While becoming a published travel writer for one of the magazines you browse at the nearby bookstore is a worthy ambition, breaking into print is incredibly difficult because the prestigious group of travel writers seems to be permanently closed.

Like you, I was once frustrated before I decided to launch my website about the beautiful country I live in. It was the most intelligent choice I could have made. I blog about whatever interests me in Heaven on earth, and I monetize my platform by affiliate items and advertising.

I don’t care in the slightest if I’m featured in a travel journal anymore. Instead of thinking, “I hope my query letter gets approved,” I wake up every day thinking, “How can I continue to make money.” Having my own online travel writing company has turned my world upside down…in a good way.

Blog or Website?

Blogging has evolved as a way of immediate self-expression. Everyone seems to have one, and an entire internet market has sprung up to take your money and promise you wealth. Please do not fall for it. Blogs are simple to launch, but they do not generate revenue.

  • Creating a website necessitates a significant amount of knowledge. It will be much more stressful at first because you will be overwhelmed with facts. But… I completed the task. You, too, should do it.
  • Websites are much easier to index in the major search engines than websites. You earn money by increasing the number of visitors to your website.
  • Learn what you can about discovering the most rewarding keywords for your travel niche. Learn all that you can about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You’ll be writing for two different audiences: search engine spiders and humans. You can’t be too lenient with any of them.

Colm Hanratty, Editor Getting into travel writing isn’t easy by any means but if you try hard enough you’ll get there in the end. When sending in work to travel editors for the first time, make sure to have more than what you’re only sending in. This is where it’s good to have your own website. I’d a website called before I started here and that really stood to me when I applied for the job of an in-house travel writer.

Travel Writing as a Career — Your Own Online Business

Daily and reliable pieces help you build a career as a travel writer. To run a successful home company, you must commit to adding one new page to your website every day. It would be challenging at first. It will be taxing to create one page every couple of days, but after six months, you will get the hang of it.

Tips to Get into the Travelling Industry

  • Only leave good feedback at the motels, pubs, and tourist attractions you frequent. Readers want to be honest, but they don’t want to be negative. If you cannot compose a good piece about some part of your stay, do not include it.
  • Personalize your reviews, but don’t get too personal. Nobody wants to hear about your stomach issues, how you had to “straighten out” the desk clerk, or how you only brought two pairs of underwear.
  • Make a photo album of everything. Scrupulously edit them. Provide a summary for each sentence.

You will reach your hopes of beginning a career in travel writing online. There are thousands like us who want sound tips on gorgeous off-the-road locations, exclusive coffee shops, romantic cheap restaurants and cheap accommodation. It would be best if you had your own home online company for them.

Check out our 10 strategies on how to become a travel writer and find a dream career…

Travel Around

It may look like a slightly odd first tip, but you can’t construct a piece of writing related to travelling if you don’t travel. This doesn’t mean that you need to go on some round-the-world journeys or inter-rail trips around Europe to inspire your stories. You could fly to the closest tourist attraction and write about it. And if you haven’t been away for a while now, just blog about previous memories.

Make Sure To Write

This can also seem a little evident, but you have to write often if this is the trade you wish to join. You don’t have to write novels — write travel experiences. It can be a restaurant tour, or it can be a monthly diary in Thailand. So make sure you blog about it, whatever it is.

Take Appealing and High-Resolution Photos

Always remember to take high-resolution photos wherever you go. They must be high-resolution to achieve 300dpi or print accuracy. In layman’s words, photos taken at a resolution of 2 megapixels or higher would be of sufficient quality.

Stay Up-To-Date with Travel Industry

Wherever you go, do try to take high-resolution pictures. To gain 300dpi or print precision, they must be high-resolution. The pictures taken will have ample accuracy at 2 or higher megapixels resolution in a layman's words.

