All Of Us Are Dead!!!!

Anam f.
3 min readFeb 4, 2022


Have you ever felt distant from the world around you? As if it’s a dream, and you’re not really a part of it? That’s the feeling that All of Us Are Dead takes you through in its series.

I mean, I know I probably sound like a broken record, but this show really is something so special. It’s really more than just a show — it’s an experience. It’s like nothing else out there that I’ve seen.

This one makes me feel so many things — all at once! Like, I’m simultaneously laughing and crying every time I watch it. And I don’t mean just the normal laugh/cry thing, like when someone farts and you laugh because it’s awkward but then you cry because it was actually kind of funny. No. I’m talking about crying for real because it’s so good — you can’t help it! The script is so smart and poignant, and the characters are so richly developed and relatable.

And that’s true of every single character on All of Us Are Dead, too. You will fall in love with them all, no matter who they are or what they’re doing — which is kind of the point, right? That we’re all humans with flaws and stuff? …Right??

Using smart dialogue and witty narration, All of Us Are Dead opens your eyes to the feeling of detachment and lifts it off your shoulders.

The cinematography is crisp, capturing all the moments of daily life in a way that makes them feel significant.

This series is incredible for anyone who wants to find out more about themselves or others. It will change your life by opening your eyes to the world around you.

The series depicts the feeling of detachment from society and from oneself. It’s also about bullying, how people can be ignorant, and the status-quo is never as stable as it appears.

This series is a little slow to start, but it really picks up once you get into the main characters. There’s a lot of bullying, some ignorant behaviors, and some overall emotional detachment throughout the show. It’s expressed in the way the characters interact with one another, and how they deal with certain interactions that take place.

The show depicts the feeling of detachment from loved ones and emotions, and how the evil feeling of jealousy can drive you to hurt others.

The bullying in this show is brutal because it’s so realistic — you always see people on social media or in school being mean or rude to one another for no reason at all. It’s like a competition for likes and follows or something. And it’s really sad but also just a normal part of life now.

Another theme that stood out to me was how the characters dealt with death in their families.

#The Best Part: The overall message that no matter who your family is or what kind of situation you’re in, love will always find a way to be expressed between you and them in ways that make you feel alive again.

#The Worst Part: Some of the scenes are pretty heavy, and almost hard to watch because they depict the reality of life in a way that most shows don’t do well enough.

